Crashing, Dumping, Recording, Debugging, and Rebooting a GBA Game

What do chip tunes have to do with a game crash?

YouTuber TheZZAZZGlitch had experience crashing a GBA (Gameboy Advance) game and hearing the song of its people played one last time a couple of hours later. Did the music lead to the crash? No, it turns out that when a GBA game crashes, it plays all its data as a sound recording. That's cool enough to know, but then he wondered, could you record all that music, or noise, and play it back to archive the data, and maybe reload it to the console to affect the game in some other way? It took him some time to achieve the recorded data dump and debug it. In fact, he spent days recording and verifying data over and over. But he got the game to reboot! Was it worth it? Maybe not for a particular game itself, but learning about the crash dump and being able to reverse-engineer it and explain it to us is priceless. Even if you don't understand what's involved here, the video is pretty entertaining. -via Metafilter ā€‹

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