The Official Story Trailer for Star Wars Outlaws

The newest Star Wars game, Star Wars Outlaws, will launch on August 30th. Between now and then, you'll have a blizzard of teasers, reviews, and news about it. The story takes place between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, which was about two days in-universe, or about three years for those of us waiting for the third movie in the 1980s. However, it's just a point in time; this is peripheral adventure, happening right under the noses of Jabba the Hutt and the Empire. Considering its Lucasfilm and Ubisoft, you can imagine the cynicism of the YouTube comments accompanying this story trailer. But hey, we might be pleasantly surprised! Learn more details about Star Wars Outlaws at Game Rant. -via The Awesomerā€‹

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